Viñçëñt Vãdaçchïnõ

Level 1 Belletristican
Profile text

Hey all.

I'm new here but I've been writing for a couple of years on wattpad, where I've written a 6 book series that exploded out of nowhere, so I hope what I produce here is enjoyable for you!

I'm a saxophonist, photographer, and an 18 wheeler driver by profession, but I love to write in my spare time.

Viñçëñt Vãdaçchïnõ is already with us for 3 years.
Level 1 Belletristican
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Personal info
Viñçëñt Vãdaçchïnõ
7. December, 24 years old
welland, Canada
With us since 19. April 2020
About me

I'm a truck driver by profession

I'm a saxophonist/music teacher

I'm a photographer

I love people and I love trying new things

And I LOVE to write fantasy stories

Hobbies & interests
Play saxophone
Take photos
Books about dragons and fantasy
A short interview
Would you tell us about your current project?

All I'll reveal is that it's going to be a fantasy story, including some mystical creatures and lovable characters

How and when did you first discover your passion for the world of literature?

about 2.5 years ago when I discovered another site called wattpad

Do you like to have a plan or are you a discovery writer?

I'd call myself a mix of the two. I like some structure but I also like to wing it.

Is writing a hobby for you or are you planning to go professional?

For the moment, I enjoy doing it as a hobby. Doing it for money, for me, takes the fun out of it when I'm doing it based strictly on other peoples standards

How did you come up with your username?

Honestly, I just logged in with facebook, and my facebook name is just an accented version of my actual name

Are there other arts you enjoy. Like music, painting or something else?

Yep, I'm a saxophonist and photographer

What genres do you enjoy to read and write the most?

Fantasy and adventure

What is your greatest dream?

To be happy in life, whatever that entails

Do you favor stories or poetry? Or rather a mix of both?

For me, it's fiction stories all day long

What's your favorite book? Or your favorite books, if there are more.

As far as books I haven't written myself, I more have specific genres rather than specific books. For me, it's adventure and fantasy.

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