Cute Cookie With Chocolate

Level 9 Belletristican
Profile text

Hey. :3

Just a girl that loves to write stories - long, short or even poetry in both, english and german. They tend to be sad so I hope you don't mind that! :)

Most of the time I live in my own little world I've created inside my head and that's exactly where I am, when I'm writing stories. My head is full with ideas and, hopefully, one day I'll be able to share them all with you. :D

It's quite a lot so it may take a while. In the meantime, have fun with all the stories I've already posted for you guys. :) Grab some cookies, a hot chocolate (tea or coffee will do as well) and get comfortable, you're welcome in my world whenever you want to be here. :D

Achievement showcase
Prestige points: 37
Cute Cookie With Chocolate is already with us for 3 years.
Level 9 Belletristican
7.6 kg Fairy Dust collected.
7.2 kg9.0 kg
11 books published
34 chapters uploaded
7486 words written
17 favorites
9 fans
Game Stats
4.4 miles explored
Poetry ()
A collection of some poetry I've already written some time ago or I wrote like...ten minutes ago. :D
Short Stories ()
Some short stories I write whenever I find time for it. (Most of the time they're dark and might not have a happy ending - not every story has one)
Personal info
14. April
With us since 8. June 2020
Wanderers don't feel like they belong to any of the four great houses, or they somehow identify with all of them at once. Whatever the case, they made the active decision to stay free and independent.
Hobbies & interests
cutting videos
taking walks
Movies & Series
Let's Plays
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Sims 4
Stardew Valley
Kind Words
A short interview
Do you favor stories or poetry? Or rather a mix of both?

Definitely both! If you would have asked me that a year ago, I would've said I'd definitely choose Stories but I've come to absolutely love poems as well. :D

I see stories as an opportunity to take full advantage of my fantasy. That goes from creating my own character to invent a whole new world or even universe and I can just do whatever the hell I want.

Poetry feels more personally to me and is something I can use perfectly to express my feelings and where I can gamble with words. Writing a poem is actually really comforting and always brings a certain kind of peace to me.

Are there other arts you enjoy. Like music, painting or something else?

YES! Generally I love everything where I can get creative such as drawing, cutting videos, handicrafts and I even spend a lot of time putting my outfits together 'cause I love to combine different styles. I've also occupied myself with music production a few times.

Do you like to have a plan or are you a discovery writer?

It's a bit of both, I guess.

Sometimes I have an idea and immediately start writing until I get stuck and then I start planning for what's coming next.

Then there are times where I only plan and don't start writing until I'm completely done planning.

Most of the time though I just start writing and get nothing done so I get frustrated and start planning after a while. That's my personal favourite. xD

What genres do you enjoy to read and write the most?

I definitely love Fiction books. Although I get scared easily I love to read Horror. Apart from that I also love Fantasy, Mystery, Poetry and, of course, Comic.

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