
The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

About Achievements

Achievements are badges that you can earn by accomplishing various things on Belletristica. They add Prestige Points to your profile, unlock titles and you can even display them in the showcase of your profile.


Achievements have different difficulties. From "Very Easy" and "Easy" achievements, which you'll collected along the way, to "Medium" or "Hard" ones, which aren't quite as insignificant anymore, up to "Very Hard" and "Legendary" ones, which you can be really proud of. And so that not even our biggest power users are feeling unchallenged, there's an even higher difficulty: "Inhuman".

Your Showcase

In your profile you have the option of displaying your favorite achievements. In order to do that, all you have to do is to click on one of the 6 free spaces in your showcase and choose the achievement you want to place there.

Prestige Points

Other members can't see what kind of achievements you've already unlocked - instead of that, "Prestige Points" will be displayed in your profile. Those are calculated from all the achievements you've earned to far.

Depending on their difficulty, achievements are worth 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 or 15 Prestige Points.

What Are Achievements For?

The achievements on Belletristica exist for various reasons. Most of them are there to motivate you and show the progress you make while fulfilling your goals. From the smallest steps up to the dizziest heights of accomplishments. Some achievements are there to familiarize you with features you wouldn't have tried out without them or to encourage you to do things in ways that would have remained undiscovered otherwise. Above all, however, Belletristica's achievments were made for our members to have fun with them.

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