C. Ima Nye

Level 24 Belletristican

Hi! Like most people on here, I love writing, so no surprise there! The different stories that I write tend to be in a series and have a wide range of genres, although most are targeted at a teen/YA audience. I have stories in the works about everything from other world adventures, fairytale adaptations, superhero stories, dystopias, and more! I'm on the hunt for feedback, and would be happy to do a read for a read as long as the story isn't too vulgar. Outside of writing, I like singing and acting.

Ruhmespunkte: 174
C. Ima Nye ist bereits seit 2 Jahren bei uns.
Level 24 Belletristican
56.38 kg Feenstaub gesammelt.
55.2 kg60.0 kg
12 Werke veröffentlicht
47 Kapitel hochgeladen
166875 Wörter insgesamt
7 Favorites
7 Fans
61.0 Meilen erkundet
Unsortierte Werke ()
Diese Werke wurden noch nicht in ein Regal einsortiert.
A Tale of Two Worlds ()
This is where my fairytale adaptation series' books, short stories, and novellas will go. If you like Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz, Tom Thumb, Hansel and Gretel, Robin Hood, the Snow Queen, the Swan Princess, some Arthurian-inspired elements, Rumpelstiltskin, and SO MUCH MORE, then feel free to check it out!
Poetry ()
I'm not really a huge poet, but I have fun trying my hand at poetry sometimes anyways.
C. Ima Nye
Bei uns seit 15. August 2021
Golden Acres
Das Haus der goldenen Felder steht für große Träume und die feste Absicht, diese eines Tages wahr werden zu lassen. Seine Mitglieder zeichnen sich durch Ehrgeiz aus und streben Professionalität an.
Über mich

Hi! Like most people on here, I love writing, so no surprise there! The different stories that I write tend to be in a series and have a wide range of genres, although most are targeted at a teen/YA audience. I have stories in the works about everything from other world adventures, fairytale adaptations, superhero stories, dystopias, and more! Because I also value writing things that are clean, the only times my stories dip into a more "PG-13" setting would be for violence. If any of that sounds appealing to you, feel free to check out my stories! I'm on the hunt for feedback, and would be happy to do a read for a read as long as the story isn't too vulgar. Outside of writing, I like singing and acting.

Hobbys & Interessen
playing games
Brandon Mull
older Rick Riordan books
fairytale adaptations
clean romances
historical fiction
pretty much anything clean
classic Taylor Swift or other singers from the early 2000s
Filme & Serien
Star Wars
Harry Potter
some DC TV shows... etc.
Kurzes Interview
Planst du gerne oder bist du Discovery Writer?

I'm kind of a mix. I usually will daydream about a project often, so while I'll try to make and stick with a plot outline, if I come up with a really cool scene that I think will fit better, I'll change my outline to match. It can feel kind of chaotic sometimes, but ultimately I think my stories come out better for it.

Was ist dein absolutes Lieblingsbuch? Oder sind es mehrere?

This is the hardest question I think any reader has to face, but right now it's "Gorlup's Adventure" by Rachael Pugmire (kind of obscure right now, but it's available on Amazon, and if you like fantasy and adventures, I'd 10/10 recommend it!). Granted my favorite books can change on a whim, but this one has always been near the top of my list, if not the top, ever since I first read it.

Wie bist du auf deinen Usernamen gekommen?

It's the pen name that I write under, and it's meant to be something of a joke, although not everyone realizes that at a glance. "C. Ima Nye"= See? I'm a Nye. However, part of it has also become the name of my writing universe, "The Imaverse" (all of my stories more or less happen in the same universe because I've always loved the concept).

Würdest du uns etwas über dein derzeitiges Projekt erzählen?

Absolutely! Right now I'm working on a fairytale adaptation series called "A Tale of Two Worlds" (series name is in-progress, haha). It is one of my biggest projects to date, namely because I already know the original trilogy won't be the end of the series (as of right now, I'm also planning 2-3 novellas and a sequel trilogy). Simply put, this series takes place in two kingdoms (each considered "worlds" in my greater expanded universe) connected solely by a bridge and follows many different fairytales that intertwine deeper than what meets the eye. Book One, "Cursed Tower", is in rewrite phases and follows Peter Pan (Pan), Sleeping Beauty (Rose), and Rapunzel (Rachelle). Book Two, "Glass Petals", is in polishing phases and follows Cinderella (Elena), Snow White (Bianca), and Beauty from "Beauty and the Beast" (Marabella). And finally, Book Three, "Snow Heart" has just graduated from plot-drafting and will be on its first draft once I finish the other two, but it will bring all of the main characters from the other two books to face an unprecedented threat where they will have to determine who they can trust and just how far they will go to save the people they love. I'm really excited about this series and looking forward to sharing it on this site!

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