Murdo Maclachlan

Level 16 Master Jeweler

I'm a Scottish fool who wants to be an author, poet, musician and whatnot, but mainly an author. I'm sometimes known as "Scottish Chewbacca".

I started reading with Diana Wynne Jones, who is still by far my favourite author, and started writing with blurbs for imaginary books that, over time, I grew to want to bring out of my imagination and into the material world.

Be it prose or poetry, I love writing fantasy and I try my hand at science fiction or horror every now and then ― I hope you stick around to see what I write on this site, because I'm very excited to be here.

Ruhmespunkte: 139
Murdo Maclachlan ist bereits seit 2 Jahren bei uns.
Level 16 Master Jeweler
24.14 kg Feenstaub gesammelt.
24.0 kg27.2 kg
4 Werke veröffentlicht
78 Kapitel hochgeladen
63238 Wörter insgesamt
5 Favorites
2 Fans
20.2 Meilen erkundet
Short story collections ()
Collections of short stories. Primarily anthologies set in the same universe or multiverse.
Poetry collections ()
Collections of my poetry. All my poems are published first at my AllPoetry account, but here I sometimes collect together groups that fit well, and sometimes even re-writes of ones I did long ago.
Murdo B. Maclachlan
24. November, 21 Jahre alt
Bei uns seit 14. April 2022
Wanderers fühlen sich keinem der vier Häuser wirklich zugehörig, oder sie finden sich in allen Aspekten gleichermaßen wieder. Sie haben sich aktiv dazu entschieden, frei und ungebunden zu bleiben.
Über mich

Amateur writer, software-engineering student.

Hobbys & Interessen
Diana Wynne Jones
Jonathan Stroud
Frances Hardinge
Garth Nix
Philip Pullman
Philip Reeve
Joseph Delaney
Carole Wilkinson
George R.R. Martin
J.R.R. Tolkien
Film & Game
Studio Ghibli
Murray Gold
Filme & Serien
Pan's Labyrinth
Critical Role
Doctor Who
Hollow Knight
Thief: The Dark Project
Thief II: The Metal Age
Dark Souls
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
World of Goo
Kurzes Interview
Wie und wann hast du deine Leidenschaft für die Welt der Worte zum ersten Mal entdeckt?

In terms of reading, it was being read Diana Wynne Jones's books as a child. She's still my favourite author of all time. There's just something about what she writes and the way she writes it that creates this feeling of both reassurance and wonder that I've never seen replicated in anyone else's writing. Though that could be partially the nostalgia talking.

In terms of writing; I used to make blurbs for imaginary books as a child. I remember specifically writing a blurb while sitting out a film in English, 1st year of secondary school. I didn't want to watch the film because I hadn't read the book it was based on yet. Pretty soon, I decided I wanted to make the imaginary books real. After some advice from one of my English teachers, I really got into it.

In welchen Genres liest und schreibst du am liebsten?

Definitely fantasy. Low or high, I'm not bothered. Low is probably where I'm most comfortable, but high is the world I really want to step into and explore. That's not metaphorical, I want nothing more than to be able to literally step into and explore a real, physical high fantasy world.

I love science fiction too, but I often have real trouble writing it. Though I'm fascinated by physics, I'm not all that well-read on it, so usually if I try to explain the science I end up sounding like the sci-fi I hate, where the science makes no sense and they should just call it magic. So I just call it magic, and now it's science fantasy. Which is also fine.

Lieber Gedichte oder Geschichten? Oder ein Mix aus beidem?

I definitely favour stories just because I personally find there's a lot more for me to experience in them and they engage me more. But that's not to say I don't like poetry. I love poetry. I do tend to have a hard time finding a wealth of fantasy or science fiction poems, though. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

Schreibst du hobbymäßig oder strebst du eine Karriere an?

I've intended to go professional since one of my English teachers gave me the encouragement I needed. I don't know if I could deal with the boredome of doing something else for the rest of my life. If I had my way, I'd sit and write nearly all day every day.

Was ist dein absolutes Lieblingsbuch? Oder sind es mehrere?

"Unraveller", by Frances Hardinge, which comes just above anything and everything by Diana Wynne Jones.

Throwing in some other close contenders: "Deeplight" (Frances Hardinge), "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" (Neil Gaiman), "The Amulet of Samarkand" (Jonathan Stroud), "Northern Lights" (Philip Pullman), "Dragonkeeper" (Carole Wilkinson).

Was ist dein größter Traum?

To live forever in a high-fantasy world (while still being able to travel back here if I want to, of course).

Failing that, full-time author.

Wie bist du auf deinen Usernamen gekommen?

It's... that's... well, that's my name. Pfft, "internet privacy", what does that even mean, am I right? I'm wrong, kids. Don't use your real name on the internet.

Würdest du uns etwas über dein derzeitiges Projekt erzählen?


Oh, all right. I have a few because I can never stay focused on one, but the only thing published anywhere is "Rooms of the Desolate", a collection of short stories set in a bleak and often colourless labyrinth of universes called the Desolate. It grew from what was originally supposed to be a single piece of flash fiction.

Planst du gerne oder bist du Discovery Writer?

I'm usually a discovery writer for the first draft, with a more solid plan second time around (despite usually still making massive story changes on re-drafts). Some stories I've written with a concrete plan before I properly put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard), though, and admittedly they're probably my most polished. Even with ones I discover, I usually have an idea of where I want to get to, just very little idea of how I'm going to get there.

Gibt es noch andere Künste, die dich begeistern, wie Musik oder Malerei?

I love music. I sing all the time. It probably annoys my family and neighbours, but they haven't complained (yet). I also like to compose, though I'm not great at it. I try to compose soundtracks for my writing sometimes. I also play piano, pretty badly, and I love almost all other forms of art even if I can't make them myself.

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