
Level 8 Belletristican

Just a dude that needs to put his thoughts on paper... or pixels.

retrimental ist bereits seit 4 Jahren bei uns.
Level 8 Belletristican
5.79 kg Feenstaub gesammelt.
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Magic, dragons, & bad language. ()
Bei uns seit 19. Januar 2020
Das Haus der Springflowers steht für ungezähmten Schaffensdrang. Seine Mitglieder leben die Kunst und zwar wild, emotional und ohne Regeln. Sie neigen zu sehr experimentellen Stilformen und verwegenen Gedankenspielen fernab aller ausgetretenen Wege.
Kurzes Interview
Wie und wann hast du deine Leidenschaft für die Welt der Worte zum ersten Mal entdeckt?

Won a small essay-writing competition as a kid, so I knew I liked it then. But what really fuels my passion is my imagination. It's so distracting that it feels good just typing those thoughts out.

In welchen Genres liest und schreibst du am liebsten?

Fantasy, or high-fantasy stuff. Fiction, of course, is king for me. It's also what I enjoy writing the most. Sci-Fi can be pretty cool too but it's not really my thing.

Lieber Gedichte oder Geschichten? Oder ein Mix aus beidem?

I liked poetry more than stories at one point, but I felt it was short-lived in insufficient after a while.

Planst du gerne oder bist du Discovery Writer?

Both, depending on the story.

Sometimes, I'd create a single character in my head, and all the events and other characters of the story would naturally be created to compare & contrast the character I thought of.

Other times, I'd think of a very basic plot point and build from there into some hideously multi-layered plot-line that becomes even too confusing for me, the guy who thought of it.

Overall though, I find that winging it makes for the most fun. It also forces me to explain new concepts without going against the logic of what was written before.

Schreibst du hobbymäßig oder strebst du eine Karriere an?

For now, it's a hobby. The commitment needed to go professional always feels like a big hurdle for me. Maybe one day I'll stop winging it.

Gibt es noch andere Künste, die dich begeistern, wie Musik oder Malerei?

Music. Music music music. I'm no audiophile or enthusiast, but I couldn't imagine my life without music, just as I can't imagine it without writing.

Was ist dein absolutes Lieblingsbuch? Oder sind es mehrere?

Outcast: Dragon Secrets. Read it as a kid and nostalgia won't let other books take the favourite spot.

Wie bist du auf deinen Usernamen gekommen?

Ah, well, y'know when you're asked to enter a username for every service you use, but you got no originality so you always get prompted by 'That username is already taken.'? Well, I got tired of that one day and figured I'd come up with someone really weird.

It's just a mishmash of two words. Retribution and Elemental - making 'retrimental'

Was ist dein größter Traum?

Don't know. I have a few. But man, ultimately, if I could be an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient god for one day, I'd redesign this entire entity that is existence into something that is tolerable for all living things.

Pretty impossible to do, so I'll just stick with writer or video-editor or something.

Würdest du uns etwas über dein derzeitiges Projekt erzählen?

My current project, Codex, is about a young mage who was so adventurous that he adventured into a weird cave and found a book which trapped the consciousness of an Apostle of the Crescent Moon. She taught him many spells and his love for discovery and adventure was gained through magic.

It's meant to be a never-ending type of adventure that tackles many different themes over the course of its lifespan. Happiness, sadness, death, morality, love, friendship, war, deception, discrimination, power, even the ethics of using mind magic. He goes through all of it, often with a companion for the adventure that ends up becoming a learning experience for him and his companion.

This story was meant to be purely fun for me, but I have a habit of making things serious. So, as much as many of the characters are comic reliefs, many of them have much darker sides.

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