
Level 18 Belletristican

Heyo! I'm a newbie here, my weeb meter has been broken for a while now, I'd love to chat and get feedback from my stories anytime! (Except when I'm sleeping of course) I like gaming, Markiplier, anime, and reading/writing! x3 Happy to be here! Enjoy my new stories!

Ruhmespunkte: 72
𝕬𝖑𝖕𝖍𝖆ɐɥdl∀ɒʜq|AคɭקђคᏗᏝᎮᏂᏗคlphค ist bereits seit 3 Jahren bei uns.
Level 18 Belletristican
33.29 kg Feenstaub gesammelt.
30.6 kg34.2 kg
3 Werke veröffentlicht
18 Kapitel hochgeladen
6116 Wörter insgesamt
10 Favorites
18 Fans
6.1 Meilen erkundet
Unsortierte Werke ()
Diese Werke wurden noch nicht in ein Regal einsortiert.
My Books ()
Just....my books.
Dora Diamond Foster
4. September, 17 Jahre alt
Baltimore, Maryland
Bei uns seit 14. November 2020
Wanderers fühlen sich keinem der vier Häuser wirklich zugehörig, oder sie finden sich in allen Aspekten gleichermaßen wieder. Sie haben sich aktiv dazu entschieden, frei und ungebunden zu bleiben.
Über mich

Heyo! I'm a newbie here, my weeb meter has been broken for a while now, I'd love to chat and get feedback from my stories anytime! (Except when I'm sleeping of course) I like gaming, Markiplier, anime, and reading/writing! x3 Happy to be here! Enjoy my new stories! (P.S. I'm up for some roleplay!)

Hobbys & Interessen
Grapghic Novels/Comics
Imagine Dragons
Billie Ellish
Alan Walker
Pan!ic at the Disco
Filme & Serien
Stranger Things
Big Mouth
Just Shapes and Beats
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Five Nights at Freddys
Kurzes Interview
Gibt es noch andere Künste, die dich begeistern, wie Musik oder Malerei?

I like to make videos that are soon going to be put right one Youtube hopefully. Though I absolutely love writing I would also love to fulfill my dream as becoming a well known Youtuber like my idol, Markiplier.

Wie und wann hast du deine Leidenschaft für die Welt der Worte zum ersten Mal entdeckt?

Right when I was little, I could read really fast for a girl and the fastest in my class so naturally I was attracted to books to challenge and improve my voacbulary.

Lieber Gedichte oder Geschichten? Oder ein Mix aus beidem?

Both rather, including the mixture. When i write I speak from my heart sometimes adding my own little twist of poetry. I called it my Recipe for Endeavor.

Planst du gerne oder bist du Discovery Writer?

Both still, I want to be a famous writer when I'm older but I like to start with stories people want more of or just love in general.

Was ist dein absolutes Lieblingsbuch? Oder sind es mehrere?

Uh, I can't think of any that are favourable off the top of my head other than my FNAF collection, Orbiting Jupiter, and (I forgot what it's called) A Bird and something else....it's got dark things in it. When I remember I'll update this.

Was ist dein größter Traum?

Technically, to leave a "mark" on the world when I leave but right now to conquer my goal careers and possibly meet my idol!

In welchen Genres liest und schreibst du am liebsten?

ALL. OF. THEM. Except the boring ones like too much history or too much fiction. Ugh. But if you grab a spoon and miss them in a bowl of books, spice it up with some plot twists, THEN your cooking with words!

Schreibst du hobbymäßig oder strebst du eine Karriere an?

Sort of both, I kinda am really talented and all but I'm not sure I want my hands cramping from so much writing or typing yet. I've got a life to live still!

Würdest du uns etwas über dein derzeitiges Projekt erzählen?

Predictably Unpredictable.

I love to roleplay, sometimes I make the guys really dark or really soft so I decided to make a story about a so called perfect guy with a dark side. And a not so perfect girl with an angelic side. Both will be confused about the events that will take place in the story but I've got a feeling this will be something to be really proud of.

Wie bist du auf deinen Usernamen gekommen?

Well, the Alpha thing ain't really a mystery. So since I love Undertale I made an oc (and people, when I made this oc I did not know there was one already) named Alpha Sans. I made this really cool backstory and everything. Created his powers too. The thing is I made most of my usernames something with "Alpha" in them, so when I wanted to change them to a more BNHA theme for almost all of them I couldn't. So people ended up calling me Alpha, A Sans, or @lphasans. I kinda let it grow on me and now it's just a nickname I really like. So I'm keeping it.

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