I am a possibly person
I am a possibly person
A little about myself... (Fill in with whatever feels correct to you)
I always prefer pure story over pure poetry, but my favorite would have to be a 90/10 split of story to poetry.
Writing is definitely a hobby for me, but I don't have much time to do it because I have responsibilities for school and my house. That being said, I am not planning to go professional, but if I got any amount of profit I would be happy.
My main username is just a random mix of letters, and it's one that I've adopted for almost every website that I have to join for. Now, my pseudonym, VespertineCaligo, that's different. I've only used that name for a small handful of sites, the most important ones for me, and in case you're wondering what it means, it roughly means the Evening's Darkness.
My greatest dream would most likely have to be getting a job that I love working, that also provides me enough money to sustain my would-be family adequately.