Comments are deactivated
As the name implies, comments are completely deactivated for texts with this setting. If you don’t want to receive any comments whatsoever, no matter if positive or negative, chose this setting. The entire comment section will automatically be hidden in this case.
Whoever choses this setting, has no ambitions to further refine this text. Maybe it was just a one-time experiment, maybe it was just written out of fun, maybe it is just a spontaneous vacation diary. No matter the reasoning, if you chose this setting, you only accept positive or neutral comments, but you don’t wish to receive criticism. Your text is protected from negative comments, but this settings has a few limitations. At the moment, there ar two exceptions:
1. If a book claims to be of scientific nature or a non-fiction guidebook, criticism must automatically be allowed.
2. The text can not be protecte if it itself is a harsh commentary on something else - if you dish it out, you must be able to take it.
Belletristica Standard
If you haven't chosen any setting, your texts will automatically fall into this category. Positive as well as negative comments are wanted, but it has to be constructive. Just a "This is a terrible book" or "you can’t write" without any real explanation, will be deleted. Comments can be negative, yes, but it must be clear that they were written with good intentions, to help the author improve their writing.
The gloves come off. This work will be treated as if it were placed in a book store. Whoever comments, should leave a fair and honestly review based on quality, from a consumer’s point of view. This can be both good or bad criticism. The comments are not longer primarily meant as a way for the author to improve their work, but for other potential readers, who think about starting to read this.
Fire of the Forge
Harsh, honest criticism is not only okay, the author is explicity requesting it. Authors who chose this setting are not afraid of devastating feedback and are basically saying: "Please rip everything apart and show me every single mistake I made. It's gotta be perfect!" We recommend to only use this setting while a work is in progress and change the setting to "Professional" or "Belletristica Standard" after completion.