The City Hall

The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

What is the city hall?

[Unfinished feature - More details will follow!]

The city hall of Belletristica is where the kingdom comes together to vote on various issues. Here are some examples, what a vote could be all about:

About introducing or changing a rule

Every kingdom needs laws to be able to live and prosper. Since we are a community, we want to establish our set of rules together. This means that every now and then, we will have a vote to decide which kinds of behaviors are acceptable for us, and which are not.

Votes for features

Belletristica will always be developed, and we still have ideas for years to come. But which features are the most urgent for the community and should be the next one we tackle? Moreover, sometimes we have to decide if we even want a specific feature, or how we should implement it.

Votes for new content

What would be the best topic to cover in the next blog article? Which aspect of writing should receive the next course in our academy? We hope you will join us in the city hall to help us decide about that.


Sometimes we just like to tap the collective creative potential of our community to reach more together. We will occasionally ask for your input to help us with difficult issues.

Many more to come...

Right now, we can't even tell for sure what other kinds of votings there might be in the future. But one thing is clear: the city hall will be a valuable tool for us.

Your sentiment sign

In addition to our regular votes, every member of Belletristica gets a sentiment sign. which they can use at any given time. With these signs, you can always let us know how happy you currently are with the Situation on Belletristica. The options reach from "Totally happy" to "Really Angry".

You can also write down the reason for your current (un)happiness, or anything else you'd like us to know.

Using the sentiment signs is completely anonymous. The admins only get to see various statistic of the happiness in the kingdom, as well as the anonymous messages.

Participation has benefits!

To thank you for taking part in the city hall, you will receive not only a bit of Fairy Dust for every vote, but there are also achievements for those who participate often.


Our kingdom's system of government is called Demonarchy. This is how we call our unique mix between democracy and monarchy. We will elaborate the concept further another time.

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