Official Channels

The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

Our official channels

The official channels in our chat are open for everyone on Belletristica. Even without an account, anyone can just drop in and read (although you need an account to post something yourself).

In all our official channels, only the last 30 messages will be shown at any time. This is a deliberate desing choice, and helps to keep the chat casual and spontaneous, because you won't have to worry that every word will remain visible forever and thus needs to be perfect.

Nonetheless, be careful not to post personal information here, since these channels are publicly visible, and you can never know who might be listening.

Gamification in official channels

Messages posted in official channels count for all gamification matters. This means, you'll get Fairy Dust for participating and your messages count towards medals, achievements and certain events.

Multilanguage support

All official channels are available in multiple languages, or to be more precise, every official channel has a version of itself for every language we offer. Whenever you enter the chat, the version in your main language automatically opens. You are still free to switch to other versions, for example, join the German channel instead of the English one.

This of course does not mean that languages are strictly bound to their versions. It is perfectly okay to mix it up a little.

Brief summary of our channels

Here is a short rundown of all our official channels and what they are meant for:


The main channel for all kinds of conversations. This chat is not bound to any specific theme or purpose. From casual reallife talk to chaotic roleplay, you'll find everything imaginable in our good old tavern.


This channel is all about the craft itself. Discussions over different writing techniques as well as questions and feedback rounds. This is the place to talk about writing.

Introduce yourself

If you're new on Belletristica, or if you've already been here a while, but it is your first time in the chat, you can use this channel to introduce yourself, if you wish to. It is also a great place for all your beginner questions. Our community is always eager to help.

Trading Guild

The trading guild is the right place to post offers and requests. All services closely related to writing are welcome here: translations, editing, ghostwriting, cover design, or whatever else an author might need. Please be clear about what your services will cost from the start, if you're not offering it for free. This channel should mainly be used for establishing contact, negotiations and details about the job should be discussed privately - this way, all entries will longer be visible.

New Publications

Did you publish anything new? From new posts on Belletristica all up to printed books, here you can share your new publications with the community (preferably with a link provided). Please only make single posts in this channel and avoid conversations.

Book Recommendations

What are you reading at the moment? Is there a book you'd like to recommend to the community? Use this channel to share those literary gems you discovered, preferably with link included. Please only make single posts in this channel and avoid conversations.

Your Playlists

What songs do your like to hear while writing? What band inspires you the most at the moment? Use this channel to share musik you liked with the community, preferably with link included. Please only make single posts in this channel and avoid conversations.


The black throne room is open for everyone. Is there anything bothering you? Do you miss an important feature that's not yet on the roadmap? Maybe you found a bug? Visit the Tourmaline Throne to share your problems and wishes. We're looking forward to your feedback!

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