
The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

Belle is the muse of reading, writing and community. It was her idea to create a "Kingdom of Books", and she has been the driving force behind Belletristica ever since.

Belle's Mission

Belles life long goal is, to build a paradise for everyone who likes to read or write - or anyone who is looking a nice place with a compassionate community. A place free of hate and prejudice and far away from the problems of the old world.

Belle has many responsibilities on Belletristica, but her main job is to assist you out with all questions and problems you may encounter. If you happen to need help with anything, feel free to contact her.


Like many fairies, Belle seems a bit shy and introverted at first, but don't mistake her politeness for weakness. She only shows strenght when she has to, but if it comes down to it, she'll proect our Kingdom und is an unshakable leader.

In her free time, she enjoys being alone in her secret garden to read a good book, but she also loves joning our people in the Tavern or listen to stories from the community in lambent light of the campfire.

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