
The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

Lizzy Vittoria is the muse of innovation, and she tirelessly pushes the further development of Belletristica.

Lizzy's Mission

Lizzy takes care that the technological aspects of Belletristica are always up-to-date. She fights bugs that show up, and assists the dev team with implementing new features.

She's always happy to take feature requests or bug reports. So, if you encounter something strange, send her a message.


Lizzy is constantly busy optimizing, repairing or upgrading stuff, or just taking things apart and putting them back together for no apparent reason. Even if she's not currently tinkering up some new invention for once, she is always on the hunt for new ideas, trying to learn and apply new concepts, or scavanging for spare building parts.

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