Private messages

The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

Private messages

You can send private messages (also called PMs) to other users. As the name implies, these messages are not visible to anyone but the two of you.

It should be mentioned, that even when you have a private chat with someone, they will still not see your online status, or whether you have already seen a message. We also do not have any of those "is currently typing..." notifications.

Gamification and PMs

Private messages do not count to our gamification. This means, you will not gain any Fairy Dust, and they do not count towards most medals, achievements or events. Otherwise, cheating would be a bit to easy. We appreciate your understanding.

Blocking and reporting users

If anyone keeps sending you unsolicited messages, you can block them. People you blocked can no longer send you PMs. If the matter is more severe, like if someone sends you spam, tries to scam you, or when somebody threatens or harasses you, please consider using the "report abuse" function. Khaeli will take care of it as quickly as possible.

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