
Level 8 Belletristican
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LilKant is already with us for 4 years.
Level 8 Belletristican
6.13 kg Fairy Dust collected.
5.6 kg7.2 kg
6 books published
39 chapters uploaded
16402 words written
11 favorites
8 fans
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0.3 miles explored
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Personal info
With us since 18. February 2020
Winter Spires
The house of Winter Spires stands for complete perfection and for mastering the craft of writing. Its members dedicate themselves to their art and they usually enjoy to receive harsh but honest criticism.
About me

Why so serious?

Hobbies & interests
Chuck Palahniuk
Jack Ketchum
Hunter S. Thompson
Movies & Series
Star Wars!
A short interview
How and when did you first discover your passion for the world of literature?

Als ich in der Grundschule das Alphabet gelernt habe.

What genres do you enjoy to read and write the most?

Horror und Satire.

Do you favor stories or poetry? Or rather a mix of both?

Selbstverständlich Geschichten.

Do you like to have a plan or are you a discovery writer?

Da ich nicht weiß, was ein „Discovery Writer“ ist, entscheide ich mich für das Erstere.

Is writing a hobby for you or are you planning to go professional?

Leider nur hobbymäßig. Würde gerne damit Geld verdienen, wenn ich mehr Zeit hätte ... Fahrradkette.

Are there other arts you enjoy. Like music, painting or something else?

Dadaismus, eine Kunstform, in der auch ein Urinal zum Meisterwerk der modernen Kunst wird.

What's your favorite book? Or your favorite books, if there are more.

„Fight Club“ von Chuck Palahniuk.

Would you tell us about your current project?

Es nennt sich „Wie man ganz einfach die Weltherrschaft an sich reißt“.

What is your greatest dream?

Die Weltherrschaft.

How did you come up with your username?

Immanuel Kant - ein großer Denker der Geschichte.

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