
The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

What are Pseudonyms?

A pseudonym in general is an undercover name or a secret identity. Throughout history, many authors have published their works using pseudonyms. From the very beginning, our community has embraced the concept of having multiple accounts, and from version 2.0 onwards, we even offer the creation of pseudonyms as a feature.

You only need a single account on Belletristica, to create multiple pseudonyms. To do this, click on "My pseudonyms" in the account menu, and add a new identity.

With just one click, you can create a pseudonym, and with just one more click you can log in with your new identity. Your pseudonym has its own level, its very own profile profile, can create and manage its own bookshelves, pubilish its own books], participate in the [[link=chat and much more. It is, however, bound to your account, which means that some things are shared between you and all your pseudonyms.

Things you DO share with your pseudoyms

Since all your pseudonyms are really the same person, there are some things which will be shared. For example, your settings will be applied to all you and all your pseudonyms.

Also, your bookmarks, favorite list, ratings you gave, and subscriptions will be shared. This also means that your pseudoyms can not upvote your own texts and vice versa.

Moreover, you share one treasury with your pseudonyms, which means gemstones, treasure chests, and artifacts are also shared.

Your pseudonyms can have a different birth date than you, but you'll still only get one birthday chest (on your main account's birthday).

Things you DON'T share with your pseudoyms

What you don't share with your pseudonyms, are books, medals, Fairy Dust and achievements.

You also don't share group memberships.

Also comments and applause are not affected by the pseudonym systen, and are kept separate.

Account Level

While each of your pseudonyms has its own, independent level, you still get to enjoy the perks of your pseudonyms' Fairy Dust.

When your level will become a relevant factor in future updates, Belletristica will use your account level.

Your account level is determined by the collective amount of Fairy Dust, you have gathered with your main profile and with all of your pesudonyms.

Quick change

Whenever you write a comment or a message within the chat, you'll see your current profile image left of the input field.

This is not only to remind you of who you are at the moment, but it doubles as a pseudonym quick change button. When you click on your image, a selection of your pseudonyms opens, offering you a quick way of changing between them. Please note: If you are in a group chat, you can only quick change to pseudoyms which are members of this group.

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