Copper Coins

The Enchiridion - Your Guide to Belletristica.

What are Copper Coins?

Copper coins are an unreleased feature of Belletristica and they are supposed to become our official currency for everything gameplay-related. There is no release date yet, but their introduction is planned for the near future.

Just like gemstones, copper coins will be stored in your treasury and shared with your pseudonyms. It is planned, that copper coins can be gifted to other users and that they should act as the basis for trading ingame-ressources.

Copper coins will not be available for purchase with real-life money.

What are Copper Crumbs?

Copper crumbs are a collectible ressource and a reward for various games and activities. The main use of copper crumbs will be, to smelt them and have them be minted into a brand new copper coin.

To create a new coin, 100 copper crumbs will be required.

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